All abstracts by Ittai Gavrieli at Goldschmidt2013
(2013) The pH of the Dead Sea Brine: Calibrating the Combination Electrode Measurements
Golan R, Gavrieli I, Lazar B & Ganor J |
(2013) Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane by Sulfate in Hypersaline Groundwater at the Dead Sea Aquifer
Avrahamov N, Antler G, Yechieli Y, Gavrieli I, Joye S & Sivan O |
(2013) Substantial Changes in the Salinity and Paleo-Hydrology of the Late Quaternary Dead Sea Revealed in the ICDP Deep Drill
Lazar B, Sivan O, Antler G, Yechieli Y, Levi E, Gavrieli I & Stein M |
(2013) The Geochemical History of the Dead Sea from Dissolved Chemical Species and Isotopes in Pore Waters
Levy EJ, Sivan O, Yechieli Y, Gavrieli I, Lazar B & Stein M |