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All abstracts by Mark A. Torres in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2017) Organic Sulfur Fluxes and Isotope Mass Balance in Rivers
Kemeny P, Torres M, Webb S, Lamb M, Adkins J & Fischer W

(2017) Global Carbon Cycle Feedbacks of Glacial Weathering
Moosdorf N, Torres MA, Hartmann J, Adkins JF & West AJ

(2016) Glacial Weathering, Sulfide Oxidation, and the Geologic Evolution of CO2
West AJ, Torres M, Moosdorf N & Hartmann J

(2016) Rhenium as a Tracer of Oxidative Weathering from the Andes to the Lowland Amazon Basin
Dellinger M, Hilton RG, West AJ, Torres MA, Burton K & Clark KE

(2016) Germanium Stable Isotopes (δ74Ge) in Weathering: Is There Potential for Paleo-Weathering Reconstruction?
Baronas JJ, Hammond DE, Rouxel O, West AJ, Torres M, Opfergelt S, Burton K, James R, Pogge von Strandmann P, Monteverde D, Gaillardet J, Bouchez J & Galy V

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