All abstracts by Morgan Williams in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) Trace Elements in Minerals that Indicate Nickel Sulfide DepositsSchoneveld L, Williams M, Salama W, Spaggiari C, Barnes S, Le Vaillant M, Siegel C, Hu S-Y, Birchall R, Baumgartner R, Shelton T, Verrall M & Walmsley J
(2023) Tracing Fluid Infiltration in Subducted Oceanic Crust at High Pressure Conditions
Rubatto D, Williams M, Markmann T, Lanari P & Hermann J
(2023) Developing Reusable Tools for Geochemical Data in Python: The Pyrolite Roadmap
Williams M, Buckle T & Nathwani C
(2022) Data-Driven Methods and Applications in Mineral Exploration
Huang F, Williams M, Cole D, Noble R & Uvarova Y
(2021) Pyrolite: An Open Source Toolbox for Geochemical Data Analysis and Visualisation
Williams M
(2020) Building Open Source Geochemical Research Tools in Python
Williams M, Schoneveld L, Barnes S & Klump J
(2020) Digging into Deep Time & Deep Cover
Williams M, Klump J, Barnes S & Huang F
(2020) Unraveling Carbon Uptake Sequences in Fast Cooling Oceanic Serpentinites (Batin, Oman Ophiolite): Insights from O and C Isotopes
Godard M, Noel J, Martinez I, Williams M, Gouze P & Boudier F
(2019) Linkages between Serpentinization and Carbon Trapping in the Oman Ophiolite: Evidence from the Wadi Dima and Batin Peridotites
Godard M, Noël J, Martinez I, Williams M, Escario S, Oliot E & Boudier F
(2018) The Path of Fluids and the Composition of Melts in (Ultra)high Pressure Subducted Crust
Rubatto D, Gauthiez-Putallaz L, Williams M, Bovay T, Stepanov A & Hermann J
(2016) Tracing Fluids in Subducted Oceanic Crust Using in situ δ18O and δ11B by SHRIMP
Williams M, Rubatto D, Hermann J & Holden P