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All abstracts by Songhu Yuan in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Effect of Dam on Iron Species Distribution and Transformation in Riparian Zones: at Site and Particle Scales
Lu Y, Zhang P, Liu H & Yuan S

(2022) A General Approach for Reactive Transport Simulations in Stiff Geochemical/Biogeochemical Systems
Bu X, Dai H, Yuan S & Wen Z

(2020) Fe(II)-Bearing Clay Minerals Accelerate Ferrihydrite Transformation
Liao W, Yuan S & Cui H

(2020) The Role of Hydroxyl Radicals in Iron Biogeochemical Cycling Under Redox Dynamic Conditions
Tong M, Zhang Y & Yuan S

(2019) Contaminant Degradation by •OH during Sediment Oxygenation: Dependence on Fe(II) Species
Xie W, Yuan S, Tong M & Liao W

(2019) Water Table Fluctuation Controls Hydrogen Peroxide Distribution in Unconfined Aquifer
Zhang N & Yuan S

(2019) Interplay between Iron Species Transformation and Hydroxyl Radicals Production in Sediments during Anoxic-Oxic Cycles
Tong M, Zhang Y & Yuan S

(2018) Electron Transfer from Interior Fe(II) to Edge Fe(III) in Reduced Nontronite Under Anoxic Conditions
Liao W, Yuan S & Liu X

(2017) Contrasting Effect of Fe(II) Oxygenation on the Subsequent Fe(III) Bio-Reduction: Bacteria Attenuation Versus Fe(III) Bio-Availability Enhancement
Chen R, Liu H & Yuan S

(2017) Hydroxyal Radicals Produced from Oxygenation of Fe(II)-bearing Clay Minerals and the Resultant Oxidizing Impact
Yuan S & Liu X

(2016) Production of Hydroxyl Radicals from Oxygenation of Mackinawite
Yuan S, Cheng D & Zhang P

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