All abstracts by Jian-Wei Zi in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2020) Dating Mafic-Ultramafic Intrusions by Monazite in Hornfels: The Kabanga Instrusions in the Eastern African Nickel BeltZi J-W, Rasmussen B, Muhling J, Maier W & Fletcher IR
(2017) Using U-Th-Pb Monazite Geochronology to Constrain Emplacement Ages and Melt Production Rates of Leucocratic Granites
Piechocka A, Gregory C, Zi J-W, Sheppard S, Wingate M & Rasmussen B
(2016) In situ Th–Pb Dating of Monazite in REE-Rich Carbonatites: Unraveling Magmatic and Mineralising Histories
Zi J-W, Gregory C, Rasmussen B, Sheppard S & Muhling J
(2016) In situ SHRIMP U-Pb Geochronology and Geochemistry of Mafic Dykes in the Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia and Bunger Hills, East Antarctica
Stark JC, Wang X-C, Li Z-X, Rasmussen B, Zi J-W, Clark C & Hand M