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All abstracts by Zhaoyong Zou in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Unexpected Phases and Phase Transitions in Biomineral Aragonite
Schmidt CA, Tambutté E, Venn AA, Zou Z, Castillo Alvarez MC, Devriendt L, Bechtel H, Stifler CA, Anglemyer S, Breit C, Foust CL, Hopanchuk A, Klaus CN, Koehler I, LeCloux IM, Mezera J, Patton MR, Purisch A, Quach V, Sengkhammee J, Sristy T, Vattem S, Walch EJ, Alberic M, Politi Y, Fratzl P, Tambutté S & Gilbert P

(2015) The Elusive Structure of Nanocrystals
Jensen A, Zou Z, Politi Y, Bertinetti L, Fratzl P, Schneck E & Habraken W

(2015) Experimental Evidence for a Spinodal Region in the Phase Diagram of Calcium Carbonate
Zou Z, Habraken W, Bertinetti L, Politi Y, Vidavski N, Gal A, Weiner S, Addadi L & Fratzl P

(2015) Influence of Additives on Phase Behavior and Crystallization of Amorphous Calcium Carbonate
Zou Z, Bertinetti L, Politi Y, Weiner S, Addadi L, Fratzl P & Habraken WJEM

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