All abstracts by Colin Whyte in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2019) Identifying Hydraulic Fracturing "Sweet Spots" Using Crustal Noble GasesLary B, Eymold W, Whyte C, Harrington J, Moortgat J & Darrah T
(2019) Validating Sampling Techinques for Robust Measurements of Natural Gas Levels in Groundwater
Wulsin G, Whyte C, Moore M & Darrah T
(2018) Noble Gas Insights on Stable Carbon Isotope Reversals in Natural Gases
Whyte C, Moore M & Darrah T
(2018) Noble Gas and Hydrocarbon Composition of Gas Hydrate Reservoirs in Green Canyon, Block GC955, Gulf of Mexico
Moore M, Cook A, Whyte C, Sawyer D, Scientists U-G-0 & Darrah T
(2017) Heavy Noble Gases Help Distinguish Mantle and Lithospheric Contributions in Southwestern US Hot Springs
Whyte C, Crossey L, Karlstrom K & Darrah T
(2017) Integrating Hydrocarbon and Noble Gas Geochemistry to Determine Source and Timing of Natural Gas Formation in Coalbed Methane Reservoirs
Moore M, Vinson D, Whyte C & Darrah T
(2015) Integrating Noble Gas and Compound-Specific Stable Isotopes to Characterize the Generation and Migration of Oil-Associated Gases and H2S in the Eagle Ford Shale of Texas, USA
Harrington J, Muehlenbachs K, Whyte C, Williams J & Darrah T