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All abstracts by Henning Wehrs in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2022) Evolution of in situ Rb/Sr by LA-MC-ICP-MS/MS: From Proteus to Neoma MS/MS
Craig G, Bevan D, Roberts J, Bouman C, Lloyd N, Wehrs H, Elliott T & Schwieters J

(2022) The Breakthrough is in What you Don’t See: Thermo Scientific™ Neoma MS/MS™ MC-ICP-MS
Bouman C, Craig G, Roberts J, Lloyd N, Pfeifer M, Wehrs H, Tollstrup D & Schwieters J

(2021) Project Vienna – Prospects for a Novel Pre-Cell Mass Filter for MC-ICP-MS/MS Using the Example of Mass-Shifted Titanium
Pfeifer M, Craig G, Wehrs H, Elliott T & Schwieters J

(2021) The Proteus Perspective: New Capabilities of Mass-Filter, Collision Cell, Multi-Collector Inductively- Coupled Mass-Spectrometry (CC-Mc-ICPMS/MS)
Elliott T, Bevan D, Coath CD, Lewis J, Shaw KMM, Luu T-H, Craig G, Lloyd N, Pfeifer M, Wehrs H & Schwieters J

(2018) The Right Tool for the I-129 Job: can Triple Quad ICPMS or Collision Cell MC-ICPMS (Proteus) Address Limitations of AMS and TIMS?
Arnquist I, Eiden G, Lewis J, Coath C, Wehrs H, Schwieters J & Elliott T

(2017) Tales of Chasing Tails: Pushing the Limits of Abundance Sensitivty Using the Collision Cell MC-ICPMS, Proteus
Lewis J, Coath C, Wehrs H, Schwieters J & Elliott T

(2016) A Unique Instrumental Approach for Enhanced Specificity in MC-Ic-Pms
Schwieters J, Elliott T, Coath C, Lewis J, Wehrs H & Lloyd NS

(2015) Collision Cell MC-ICPMS
Elliott T, Wehrs H, Coath C, Lewis J & Schwieters J

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