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All abstracts by Viktor Wesztergom in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2023) Integrated Geodynamic Stations in Central Europe
Kovács IJ, Szabo C, Szakács A, Lange TP, Kővágó Á, Gelencsér O, Gál Á, Berkesi M, Liptai N, Patko L, Palcsu L, Bozso I, Gergely S, Süle B, Novák A & Wesztergom V

(2019) The Pannon LitH2Oscope Project: Developing the ‘pargasosphere’ Concept
Kovács IJ, Szanyi G, Gráczer Z, Wéber Z, Süle B, Timkó M, Czifra T, Liptai N, Berkesi M, Lange T, Patkó L, Novák A, Molnár C, Szűcs E, Szabó C & Wesztergom V

(2019) Extremely Low Structural Hydroxyl Contents in Upper Mantle Xenoliths from the Nógrád-Gömör Volcanic Field (Northern Pannonian Basin)
Patkó L, Liptai N, Kovács IJ, Aradi LE, Xia Q-K, Ingrin J, Mihály J, O'Reilly S, Griffin W, Wesztergom V & Szabó C

(2019) Hyperspectral FTIR Imaging as a Method to Detect Volatile-Bearing Microphases in Peridotite Xenoliths from the Carpathian-Pannonian Region
Liptai N, Kovács IJ, Lange TP, Pálos Z, Berkesi M, Szabó C & Wesztergom V

(2015) Possible Link between Wehrlitization of Upper Mantle and Electrical Conductivity Anomaly beneath the Nógrád-Gömör Volcanic Field (Northern Pannonian Basin)
Klebesz R, Novak A, Patko L, Liptai N, Wesztergom V & Szabó C

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