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All abstracts by Josh Wimpenny in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Trace Element and Isotopic Evidence for Bennu’s Primitive Provenance
Brennecka G, Render J, Shollenberger QR, Wimpenny J, Armytage R, Simon JI, Rüfenacht M, Meyer LAE, Ek M, Liszewska KM, Fehr MA, Schönbächler M, Barnes JJ, Nguyen AN, Connolly HC & Lauretta DS

(2024) The Nucleosynthetic Heritage of Bennu
Schönbächler M, Rüfenacht M, Meyer LAE, Ek M, Liszewska KM, Fehr MA, Render J, Shollenberger QR, Wimpenny J, Brennecka G, Barnes JJ, Nguyen AN, Connolly HC & Lauretta DS

(2023) Iron Isotope Evidence of an Impact Origin for Main-Group Pallasites
Sio CKI, Bennett NR, Schauble E, Lesher C, Wimpenny J & Shahar A

(2023) The Influence of Solid Structure and Liquid Composition on Fe-Isotope Fractionation between Solid and Liquid Alloys
Bennett NR, Verschoor JD, Wimpenny J & Sio CKI

(2023) The Nickel Isotopic Composition of the Moon
Render J, Wimpenny J, Borg LE & Sio CKI

(2022) Ga Isotopic Heterogeneity in Lunar Highland Rocks
Render J, Wimpenny J & Borg LE

(2022) Fractionation of Zn Isotopes by Post Accretion Volatile Loss from the Moon
Wimpenny J, Render J, Sio CKI, Borg LE, Sanborn M, Yin Q-Z & Huyskens M

(2022) A Search for Isotopic Evidence of Thermodiffusion at the Core-Mantle Boundary
Sio CKI, Render J, Wimpenny J, Labidi J, Vlastelic I, Rizo H, Archer G, Lesher C, Brenan J & Bennett NR

(2022) Determining the Volatile-Rich Source for Bermuda Using Zn Isotopes
Mazza SE, Render J & Wimpenny J

(2022) Rapid Characterization of Actinide Abundances and Isotopic Compositions by HR-ICP-MS
Brennecka G & Wimpenny J

(2020) Additive Manufacturing of PGE Standards with a Silica Matrix
Sio CKI, Parsons-Davis T, Lee E, Wimpenny J, Pascall A, Kuntz J, Goodell J, Roberts K, Bandong B & Bennett N

(2020) Investigating Zn and Ga Isotope Systematics on the Moon
Wimpenny J, Sio C & Borg L

(2019) Reassessing Gallium Isotopic Evidence for Volatile Loss from the Moon
Wimpenny J, Borg L & Sio C

(2019) Chemical Associations in Legacy Materials from Nuclear Testing in Carbonate and Seawater Environmments
Knight K, Balboni E, Parsons-Davis T & Wimpenny J

(2019) Iron Isotope Compositions of Lunar Highland Rocks and Mare Basalts
Sio CKI, Wimpenny J & Borg L

(2015) Mg and Cr Isotope Systematics of Allende CAIs
Yamashita K, Wimpenny J, Sanborn M & Yin Q-Z

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