All abstracts by Pierre Trap in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2021) Protracted Crustal and Mantle Melting during the Late Stages of the Variscan Orogeny: A Case Study in the Paleozoic Basement of the External Western AlpsJacob J-B, Fréville K, Janots E, Poujol M, Guillot S, Trap P, Melleton J & Faure M
(2017) Recorded Microstructures and Mechanical Behavior in a Quartz-Garnet Aggregate in Ultra-High Temperature Migmatites
Lobjoie C, Trap P, Oliot E, Lin W, Goncalves P & Marquer D
(2015) Rate and Scale of Anatectic Processes during Gneiss Dome Formation: Example from the Montagne Noire (French Massif Central)
Cenki-Tok B, Trap P, Roger F & Paquette J-L