All abstracts by William A. Arnold in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2014) Clustering Chlorine Reactivity of Haloacetic Acid Precursors in Inland Lakes of Central North AmericaZeng T & Arnold W
(2014) Characterizing the Dynamics of Iron Oxide Aggregation and Reactivity in the Presence of Natural Organic Matter
Stemig AM, Arnold WA & Penn RL
(2014) Microscale Characterization of Sedimentary Sulfur Speciation in Prairie Pothole Lakes
Zeng T, Arnold W & Toner B
(2014) Voltammetric Measurement of Redox Species in Prairie Pothole Lake Benthic Pore Waters
McAdams B, Arnold W & Chin Y-P
(2011) Nitrogen Isotope Fractionation during the Oxidation of Substituted Anilines by Manganese Oxide
Skarpeli-Liati M, Jiskra M, Arnold WA, Cramer CJ & Hofstetter TB
(2011) Unexpected Changes in Aggregation and Mineralogy of Goethite during the Reduction of Nitroaromatics
Arnold W, Penn RL, Moore K, Do TA & Stemig A