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All abstracts by Matthew Reid in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Microbial Nitrogen and Arsenic Cyling in Rice Paddy Soils Under Alternate Wetting and Drying
Vega M, Quint B, Dignam W, Yoon H & Reid M

(2024) Genome-Resolved Metatranscriptomics Reveals Simultaneous Methylation and Demethylation of Arsenic Under Methanogenic Conditions in Rice Paddy Soil
Yoon H, Vega M & Reid M

(2024) Biogeochemical Controls on Mobilization of Labile Carbon from Wood in Denitrifying Bioreactors: Insights from Multi-Modal Synchrotron Analysis of Wood Degradation
Sang Y, DuPlooy LE, Petrovic I, Yang L, Smieska L & Reid M

(2024) Impact of Iron Plaque on PFAS Adsorption by Wetland Plant Roots
Silva L, Helbling D & Reid M

(2024) Effects of Changing Iron-To-Sulfur Ratios on Hydroxyl Radical Production in Wetland Sediments along an Estuarine Salinity Gradient
Zhang Y, Slade A, Sang Y, Silva L & Reid M

(2023) Effects of Dissolved Organic Matter on Microbial Arsenic Transformations: The Role of Carbon Catabolite Repression
Yoon H, Poulain A & Reid M

(2021) Identification of Active Arsenic-Methylating Organisms in Anaerobic Soil Enrichment Cultures Using Meta-Omics
Viacava K, Qiao J, Janowczyk A, Poudel S, Shrestha H, Lederballe Meibom K, Reid M, Jacquemin N, Hettich RL & Bernier-Latmani R

(2018) Pathways for Nitrous Oxide Evasion from Ecosystems at Land-Water Boundaries
McGuire P, Wang S & Reid M

(2018) Effects of Intermittent Draining of Rice Fields on Biogeochemical Redox Processes and Arsenic Mobility
Maguffin S, Rohila J, McClung A & Reid M

(2017) Field Scale Relationships between Soil Chemistry and Arsenic Abundance and Speciation in Rice
Reid M, Falquet L, Le Vo P, Pham V & Bernier-Latmani R

(2016) Arsenic Methylation by the Sulfate-Reducing Bacterium Desulfotomaculum Acetoxidans
Reid M, Meibom K, Donatsch L, Falquet L, Mestrot A & Bernier-Latmani R

(2015) The Role of Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria in Arsenic Biomethylation in Rice Paddies: Implications for Uptake into Rice Plants
Reid M, Le Vo P, Gayout A & Bernier-Latmani R

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