All abstracts by Igor Nikogosian in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2023) Tethyan Evolution of the South Armenian Block: From NE Gondwana Breakup to Collision with EurasiaNikogosian I, Bracco Gartner A, Mason PRD, van Hinsbergen D, Kuiper K, Kirscher U, Matveev S, Grigoryan A, Grigoryan E, Israyelyan A, van Bergen MJ, Koornneef JM, Wijbrans JR, Davies GR & Meliksetian K
(2022) Can We Quantify Sediment Recycling in Italy's Post-Collisional Subduction System?
Koornneef JM, Schriever V, Goede A, Boonstra J, Bracco Gartner AJJ, Luciani N, Ogata K, Segadelli S, Iannace A, Vroon P, Nikogosian I & Davies GR
(2022) Investigating Combined Arc and OIB Signatures at a Post-Collisional Subduction Setting by Geochemical and Boron Isotope Analyses of Melt Inclusions from Vulture, Italy
Luciani N, De Winter B, Nikogosian I, De Hoog C-J, Bracco Gartner AJJ, Davies GR & Koornneef JM
(2020) Radiogenic Isotopes in Minerals and Melt Inclusions Reveal that Mantle Hetereogeneity is Masked by Mixing
Koornneef JM, Nikogosian I, Bracco Gartner A, Luciani N, Brouillet F, France L & Davies G
(2020) CO2 Content in high-K Melts: High-P/T Experiments on Melt Inclusions
Nikogosian I, Van Westrenen W, De Hoog C-J & Koornneef J
(2020) Coupled Trace Element and Sr-Nd-(Pb) Isotopes in Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions from the Mariana Arc
Koornneef J, Nikogosian I, Luciani N, Bracco Gartner A, Elliott T & Davies G
(2020) A New Crushing Technique for Coupled ẟ13C and ẟ18O Analysis in Fluid Inclusions
Luciani N, Nikogosian I, van der Lubbe HJL, Verdegaal-Warmerdam SJA, Postma O, Davies GR & Koornneef JM
(2018) Combined Sr-Nd-Pb Isotope Data on Individual Melt Inclusions from Italy Record Extreme Mantle Heterogeneity Induced by Complex Geodynamics
Koornneef JM, Nikogosian I, Hageman L, Berndsen M, van Bergen MJ, Vroon PZ & Davies GR
(2015) Extreme Heterogeneity Prior to Extensive Mixing: Sr-Nd-Pb Isotope Analysis of Individual Melt Inclusions from the Italian Peninsula
Koornneef J, Nikogosian I, van Bergen M, Smeets R, Bouman C, Schwieters J & Davies G