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All abstracts by Eduardo Morgado in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2021) Shallow-Mush Reservoir Conditions in the Fui Group Small Eruptive Centres in the Southern Volcanic Zone (Chilean Andes)
Mallea-Lillo F, Parada MÁ, Morgado E, Contreras C & Hübner D

(2021) Shallow Magma Mixing Above the Occidental Boundary of Altiplano Puna Magma Body: Constraining the Geothermal Heat Sources Through the Case of Azufre Volcano
Hübner D, Parada MA, Morgado E & Mallea-Lillo F

(2020) The Individuality of Melting Regimes in Small Basaltic Systems: Variations in Space and Time
McGee L, Smith I & Morgado E

(2018) Very Short Timescales from Heating to Eruption: Using Diffusion Chronometry to Understand Rapid-Onset Eruptive Events
Morgado E, Morgan D, Harvey J, Parada MÁ, Castruccio A, Ebmeier SK, Raimundo B, Richard W & Bogomil G

(2015) The Individuality of Ascent Paths in Small Volcanic Systems: Small Eruptive Centres Near Villarrica Volcano, Chile
McGee L, Morgado E, Handley H, Turner M, Lara LE, Brahm R & Parada MA

(2015) Intracrystalline Deformation of Magmatic Olivine: A microXRD, EBSD, and EPMA Study of Lavas from the Southern Chilean Andes
Vinet N, Flemming R, Houde V, Morgado E, Morata D & Barra F

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