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All abstracts by E. Marie Muehe in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Using Glucose to Mimic Root Exudates Overestimates the Rhizosphere Priming Effect
Muehe EM, Mollenkopf M, Keldenich S, Monteux S, Dorrepaal E, Wild B & Kappler A

(2023) Effects of Heavy Metals on Crop Quality and Soil Microbiome Health Under Different Fertilization Regimes
Pienkowska A, Fleischman J, Merbach I, Reitz T & Muehe EM

(2023) Do We Obtain Valid Data from Climate Change Incubations Using Soils of Today?
Muehe EM, Pienkowska A, Kosel P, Fendorf S & Reitz T

(2023) Biogeochemical Interdependency in Soils Adapting to As/Cd Contaminants Under Future Climatic Conditions
Wang T, Roschke C, Duncan AH, Fendorf S & Muehe EM

(2023) Role of iron(II)-oxidizing Microorganisms in Organic Carbon Sequestration within a Thawing Permafrost System
Wunsch K, Muehe EM, Joshi P & Kappler A

(2023) What Determines Intraspecific Variability in Heavy Metal Hyper-Accumulation Efficacy of Arabidopsis halleri? – Plant Traits or Soil Biogeochemistry?
Breit ME, Blagodatskaya E, Tielbörger K, Kreamer U, Májeková M & Muehe EM

(2023) Impact of Plant-Specific Priming on Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Thawing Permafrost Stages
Mollenkopf M, Monteux S, Dorrepaal E, Wild B, Stahl M, Kilian J, Kappler A & Muehe EM

(2023) How Does Paddy Soil Aging Affect Arsenic Biogeochemistry? Insights from a 2000-Year-Old Chronosequence
León Ninin JM, Muehe EM, Kölbl A, Higa Mori A, Gilfedder BS, Pausch J & Planer-Friedrich B

(2021) Coupled Climate and Soil Arsenic Stress Increase Global Warming Potential from Paddy Soil
Muehe EM, Lopez A & Fendorf S

(2021) Simultaneous Minimization of Arsenic Mobilization and Nitrous Oxide Emission Under Nitrogen Fertilization in Paddy Soils
Joss H, Joshi P, Maisch M, Zhu Y-G, Muehe EM, Zarfl C & Kappler A

(2021) Coupled Cadmium and Climatic Stress Increase Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Drabesch S, Planer-Friedrich B, León-Ninin JM, Lezama-Pacheco JS, Fendorf S, Kappler A & Muehe EM

(2020) Diminished Rice Yield by Coupled Impact of Climate Change and Soil Arsenic Contamination
Wang T, Muehe EM & Fendorf S

(2019) Microbiome Dynamics in Rice’s Rhizosphere When Stressed by Climate or Soil Arsenic
Muehe EM, Straub D, Kleindienst S, Kappler A & Fendorf S

(2017) Diminished Greenhouse Gas Emmissions from Flooded Rice Paddies Under Projected Future Climates
Muehe EM, Lopez A, Francis C & Fendorf S

(2017) Climate Change Coupled with Elevated Soil Arsenic Will Decrease Rice Productivity and Grain Quality
Muehe EM, Wang T & Fendorf S

(2015) Microbially Stimulated Recovery of Precious Metals from Household Waste Incineration Slag
Muehe EM, He J, Wimmer D, Betz A, Schmidt C, Konhauser K & Kappler A

(2015) Rhizosphere Microorganisms Enhance Cd Accumulation by the Cd-Hyperaccumulating Plant Arabidosis Halleri
Muehe EM, Weigold P, Adaktylou IJ, Planer-Friedrich B, Krämer U, Kappler A & Behrens S

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