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All abstracts by Wenming Dong in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) The Mechanism of the Sedimentary Bedrock Selenium Pump
Carrero S, Arora B, Beutler C, Bone SE, Borglin S, Brown W, Christensen JN, Dong W, Henderson AN, Li L, Newman AW, Stolze L, Thiros NE, Tokunaga TK, Wan J, Woodburn ER, Zhang Y, Steefel CI, Swanson-Hysell NL, Williams KH, Banfield J & Gilbert B

(2024) Determination of Equilibrium Ca Isotope Fractionation between Calcite and Water Using Pressure Solution and a Laboratory Compaction Column
Wu Z, Lisabeth H, Christensen JN, Dong W & DePaolo D

(2023) Chemical Controls on Microstructure and Swelling Change in Compacted Montmorillonite
Dong W, Koishi A, Tournassat C, Steefel CI, Zheng L, Zhu C & Gaboreau S

(2023) Mineral Dissolution Controls the Rate of Methanogenesis by Hydrogenotrophic Microbial Communities Utilizing Carbonates
Qi Y, Borglin S, Li L, Dong W, Schichnes D, Lisabeth H, Bill M & Gilbert B

(2022) Fossil Carbon Release and Exports from Subsurface Sedimentary Bedrock Weathering in Mountainous Watersheds
Wan J, Tokunaga TK, Dong W, Beutler C, Newman AW, Brown W, Bill M, Druhan JL, Henderson AN, Harvey-Costello N, Hubbard S & Williams KH

(2022) Thorium in River Water Reveals Bedrock Fracture Processes Triggered by Distant Seismic Events
Gilbert B, Carrero S, Dong W, Joe-Wong C, Arora B, Fox PM, Nico PS & Williams KH

(2021) Insights into the Role of Lateral Hyporheic Exchange on Biogeochemical Cycling as a Function of Varying Annual Discharge in the East River, CO, USA
Fox PM, Arora B, Anderson C, Beutler C, Carroll RWH, Christensen JN, Dewey C, Dong W, Dwivedi D, Faybishenko B, Fendorf S, Keiluweit M, Malenda H, Newcomer M, Newman AW, Williams KH & Nico PS

(2019) Quantifying Rock-Nitrogen Export from a Shale Hillslope to Floodplain in the East River Watershed, Colorado
Wan J, Tokunaga T, Bouskill N, Tfaily M, Brown W, Dong W, Maavara T, Henderson A, Williams K & Hubbard S

(2015) Chemical and Isotopic Dynamics of Spring Water Table Rise at Rifle, CO
Christensen JN, Brown ST, Basu A, Schilling K, Conrad ME, Bill M, Williams KH, Johnson TM, Shiel AE, Yang L, Dong W, Tokunaga TK, Yabusaki SB, Maher K, Weaver K, Long PE & Hubbard SS

(2014) Constraints from U and Sr Isotopes on the Hydrology of a Alluvial Aquifer at Rifle, Colorado
Christensen JN, Shiel AE, Conrad ME, Williams KH, Dong W, Tokunaga TK, Wan J, Long PE & Hubbard SS

(2014) Determining Water and Carbon Fluxes into Groundwater from a Semiarid Floodplain Vadose Zone
Tokunaga T, Wan J, Dong W, Kenneth W, Mark R, Yongman K, Boris F, Mark C, John C, Chad H, Benjamin G, Richard D, Philip L & Susan H

(2014) Carbon Transport and Transformation from Vadose Zone to Groundwater
Wan J, Dong W, Tokunaga T, Williams K, Kim Y, Conrad M, Long P & Hubbard S

(2014) Additive Surface Complexation Modeling of Uranium(VI) Adsorption onto Quartz-Sand Dominated Sediments
Dong W, Wan J & Tokunaga T

(2012) Integrating Geochemical, Reactive Transport, and Facies-Based Modeling Approaches at the Contaminated Savannah River F-Area
Spycher N, Bea S, Wainwright H, Mukhopadhyay S, Christensen J, Dong W, Hubbard S, Davis J & Denham M

(2010) Effect of Natural Humic Substances on the Dissolution and Stability of Reduced Technetium and Uranium
Gu B, Dong W, Lou W & Wall N

(2010) The Reduction of Hg(II) and Complexation of Hg(0) with Natural Dissolved Organic Matter in Aquatic Environments
Bian Y, Miller C, Jiang X, Dong W, Liang L & Gu B

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