All abstracts by Ashleigh Hood in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2018) Sustained High-Mg Precambrian Ocean Conditions: A Two Billion Year Hangover?Hood A, Zhang S, Planavsky N & Wallace M
(2018) Glacial Oxygen Delivery in the Neoproterozoic: Fe Isotope Evidence
Lechte M, Wallace M, Hood A, Planavsky N, Li W, Jiang G, McColl S & Asael D
(2017) Neoproterozoic Glaciomarine Ironstones as Geochemical Proxies for Cryogenian Oceans
Lechte M, Wallace M & Hood A
(2017) Ocean Oxygenation during the Late Devonian Mass Extinction
Hood A, Wallace M & Shuster A
(2016) Integrated Geochemical-Sedimentological Tests for the Preservation of Seawater Paleo-Redox Signals in Carbonates
Hood A, Planavsky N, Wallace M, Wang X, Gueguen B, Cole D & Bellefroid E
(2015) A Sequential Leaching Method to Measuring Primary Signatures on Partially Altered Bulk Carbonates
Bellefroid E, Planavsky N, Jiang G & Hood A