All abstracts by Malcolm Hodgskiss in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2019) Feast Then Famine: Exiting the GOE and Setting the Stage for a Billion Years of Environmental StabilityCrockford P, Hodgskiss M, Peng Y, Wing B & Horner T
(2018) Eukaryotic Paleoecology at the End of the Boring Billion: Insights from Bylot Supergroup, Arctic Canada
Agić H, Porter S, Hodgskiss M, Wörndle S, Gibson T, Crockford P & Halverson G
(2018) What Controls the Preservation of Precambrian Organic-Walled Microfossils in Shales?
Woltz C, Porter S, Dehler C, Junium C, Hodgskiss M, Wörndle S & Halverson G
(2015) Redox Conditions in the Latest Mesoproterozoic
Cole D, Hodgskiss M, Gueguen B, Kunzmann M, Crockford P, Gibson T, Worndle S, Halverson G & Planavsky N