All abstracts by Erik Hauri in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2021) Large Sulfur Isotope Fractionation in Lunar Volcanic Glasses Reveals the Magmatic Differentiation and Degassing of the MoonSaal A & Hauri E
(2020) Macroscopic Fossils of Microbial Communities in Eoarchean-Hadean Jasper from the Nuvvuagittuq Supracrustal Belt
Papineau D, She Z, Dodd M, Iacoviello F, Lan Z, Hauri E, Shearing P & Little C
(2020) Magmatic Degassing and the Volatile Budget of the Moon, Contributions by Malcolm J. Rutherford
Saal A, Hauri E, Van Orman J & Rutherford M
(2019) Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions from the Andean Back Arc (34º-38ºS)
Chilson-Parks B, Calabozo F, Saal A, Hauri E & Mallick S
(2019) Experimental Determination of the Damp Peridotite Solidus from 1.0 to 2.5 GPa
Gaetani G, Sarafian E, Hauri E & Sarafian A
(2019) Carbon in the Convecting Mantle: Erik Hauri’s Legacy
Cottrell E, Kelley K, Tucker J, Shimizu K, Le Voyer M, Saal A & Hauri E
(2019) A Chalcophile Element Perspective on Mantle Heterogeneity Under Iceland
Reekie C, Jenner F, Hauri E, Bullock E, Halldórsson S & Williams H
(2019) Water, Melt, and Shear Initiation in the Josephine Peridotite, SW Oregon
Kumamoto K, Warren J & Hauri E
(2019) A Preliminary Evaluation of Volatiles Content in Melt Inclusion in Monogenetic Centers of the Central Andean Volcanic Zone (Northern of Chile)
González C, Hauri E, Saal A, Wang J & Aguilera F
(2019) The Carbon Content of Earth's Core from Metal-Silicate Partitioning Experiments
Fischer R, Cottrell E, Hauri E, Lee K & Le Voyer M
(2019) The Melt Inclusion Record of Mantle Source Heterogeneity Under Iceland
Maclennan J, Hauri E, Shimizu N, McKenzie D, Gronvold K, Kobayashi K, Kitagawa H & Nakamura E
(2019) Water Content of Silicate Mineral Inclusions in Superdeep Diamonds from Juina, Brazil
Thomson A, Hauri E, Shirey S, Walter M, Kohn S, Bulanova G, Smith C & Wang J
(2018) H Partitioning between Olivine and Melt between 0.1MPa and 12 GPa
Sarafian A, Nielsen S, Hauri E, Marschall H & Sarafian E
(2018) Archaean Sulphur in Neoproterozoic Zimmi Diamonds (West Africa)
Smit KV, Hauri EH, Shirey SB & Wang J
(2018) Pressure Effects Complicate our Understanding of Earth's Sulfur Cycle
Reekie C, Jenner F, Smythe D, Hauri E, Bullock E & Williams H
(2018) Storage of C in Olivine and Carbonated Melting in the MORB Source Region
Hirschmann M, Armstrong L & Hauri E
(2018) A High Carbon Content of the Hawaiian Mantle from Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions
Tucker J, Hauri E, Marske J, Garcia M, Pietruszka A & Trusdell F
(2018) The Role of Melt-Rock Interaction on the CO2/Ba Ratio of Depleted MORBs
Shimizu K, Saal A, Hauri E, Perfit M & Hékinian R
(2017) Preliminary Data on New Olivine Reference Material MongOL Sh11-2 for in situ Microanalysis
Batanova V, Sobolev A, Thompson J, Danyushevsky L, Goemann K, Portnyagin M, Garbe_Schoenberg D, Hauri E, Kimura J-I, Chang Q, Senda R, Chauvel C, Campillo S & Ionov D
(2017) Water and Melt Decoupled from Deformation in the Josephine Peridotite, SW Oregon
Kumamoto K, Warren J & Hauri E
(2017) Resolving Water Sources in Icelandic Basalts: Insights from Hydrogen Isotopes
Halldórsson S, Kleine B, Barnes J, Stefánsson A, Hilton D, Hauri E & Hallis L
(2017) Re-evaluating the Sulfur Isotope Characteristics of the Iceland Hotspot
Gunnarsson-Robin J, Halldórsson SA, Stefánsson A, Ono S, Whitehouse MJ, Hilton DR & Hauri EH
(2017) Parameterized Lattice Strain Models for HFSE Partitioning between Amphibole and Silicate Melt with Application to Arc Magma Evolution
Shimizu K, Liang Y & Hauri E
(2017) Volatile Content of 4-Vesta: Evidence from Unequilibrated Eucrites
Sarafian A, Nielsen S, Marschall H, Gaetani G, Hauri E, Righter K & Berger E
(2015) Refining the Approach for Volcanic CO2 Output Estimation at San Cristobal Volcano
Robidoux P, Aiuppa A, Rotolo S, H. Hauri E, Frezzotti ML & Giudice G
(2015) Geodynamical and Geochemical Constraints on Continental Crust Formation Since the Archean
van Keken P, Hauri E, Vervoort J, Kimura J-I & Ballentine C
(2015) Andesite Magmas Ascend Rapidly from the Mid Crust at Soufriere Hills Volcano, West Indies
Edmonds M, Humphreys M, Kohn S & Hauri E
(2015) New Standards for Measuring Water in the Mantle via SIMS
Kumamoto K, Warren J & Hauri E
(2015) Crystal/melt Partitioning of Volatile and Non-Volatile Elements during Peridotite Melting: Implications for Mantle Fractionation
Adam J, Turner M, Hauri E & Turner S
(2015) Simultaneous Measurements of C and O Isotopic Composition in Carbonates by NanoSIMS
Wang J, Hauri E & Alexander C