All abstracts by Johanna Generosi in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2017) How Biopolymers Control Calcite PrecipitationLakshtanov L, Karaseva O, Okhrimenko D, Belova D, Generosi J & Stipp S
(2015) Inhibition of Calcite Growth: New Insight into the Behaviour of Mg2+, SO42- and MgSO4
Nielsen MR, Sand KK, Rodriguez-Blanco JD, Bovet N, Dalby KN, Generosi J & Stipp SLS
(2015) Mg Uptake and Wettability Alteration of Calcite Surfaces
Ceccato M, Generosi J, Andersson MP, Bovet N, Hassenkam T, Dideriksen K, Rodriguez-Blanco JD, Dalby KN & Stipp SLS