All abstracts by Gaetano Giudice in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2022) Rapid Source Shifting of a Deep Magmatic System Revealed by the Fagradalsfjall Eruption, IcelandHalldorsson SA, Marshall E, Caracciolo A, Matthews S, Bali E, Rasmussen M, Ranta E, Gunnarsson-Robin J, Guðfinnsson GH, Sigmarsson O, Maclennan J, Jackson M, Whitehouse MJ, Jeon H, van der Meer QHA, Mibei G, Kalliokoski M, Repczynska M, Rúnarsdóttir R, Sigurdsson G, Pfeffer M, Scott S, Kjartansdóttir R, Kleine BI, Clive O, Aiuppa A, Ilyinskaya E, Bitetto M, Giudice G & Stefánsson A
(2019) Volcanic Gas Emissions along the Colombian Arc Segment: Implicatons for the Andean Volatile Budget and on-Going Monitoring
Lages J, Chacon Z, Burbano V, Mesa L, Arellano S, Liuzzo M, Giudice G, Aiuppa A, Bitetto M & Lopez C
(2019) ABOVE: Aerial-Based Observations of Volcanic Emissions, Papua New Guinea
Liu E, Aiuppa A, Alan A, Arellano S, Bitetto M, Bobrowski N, Carn S, Cerdes G, Clarke R, Corrales E, de Moor M, Diaz JA, Edmonds M, Fischer T, Freer J, Fricke M, Galle B, Giudice G, Gutmann A, Jones J, Mason E, McCormick Kilbride B, Mulina K, Nowicki S, Richardson T, Rüdiger J, Schipper CI, Watson IM & Wood K
(2015) Refining the Approach for Volcanic CO2 Output Estimation at San Cristobal Volcano
Robidoux P, Aiuppa A, Rotolo S, H. Hauri E, Frezzotti ML & Giudice G
(2015) Fumarolic and Diffuse Soil CO2 Output from Furnas Volcano (Azores)
Pedone M, Viveiros F, Aiuppa A, Giudice G, Grassa F, Francofonte V & Ferreira T
(2013) Volcanic CO2 Flux Measurements by Tunable Diode Laser Absorption Spectroscopy
Pedone M, Aiuppa A, Giudice G, Grassa F & Chiodini G