All abstracts by Guillaume Fontorbe in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2021) Drivers of Carbon Variations in the EoceneAnagnostou E, Penman D, Westerhold T, Babila TL & Fontorbe G
(2021) Radiolarian Species-Specific Fractionation: Insights from a Miocene Sediment Core
Fontorbe G, Frings PJ, Renaudie J, Cao Z, Zhang Z & Frank M
(2018) Hypoxia in the Stockholm Archipelago over the Past 3 ka: A Natural Phenomenon or Human-Induced?
van Helmond N, Vollebregt A, Lougheed B, Peterse F, Fontorbe G, Conley D & Slomp C
(2016) Oceanic Distribution of Dissolved Silica Through the Paleogene
Fontorbe G, Frings PJ, De La Rocha CL, Hendry KR & Conley DJ
(2015) Silicon Cycling Across the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
Frings P, Fontorbe G & Conley D