All abstracts by Alexandra Davatzes in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2018) Impact-Induced Change in Sedimentation in the NeoarcheanKorman K & Davatzes A
(2018) Using Citizen Science and Service Learning to Improve Environmental Science Literacy
McLaughlin J, Davatzes A, Brandt C, Nyquist J & Toran L
(2017) Shock-Metamorphosed Rutile and Associated Mineral Phases in Neoarchean Impact Layers
Davatzes A, Smith F, Simonson B, Smith J & Booksh K
(2017) An Interdisciplinary Approach to Building Students’ Spatial Thinking Skills from High School Through College
Davatzes A, Shipley T, LaDue N & Lombardi D
(2015) Geochemical Tracers Linking Impacts to Target Rocks in the Precambrian
Davatzes A & Korman K