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All abstracts by Young-Wook Cheong in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2017) Water-Quality Characteristics of Abandoned Coal Mine Drainage and Mine Voids
Yim G-J, Ha S-H, Kim S, Ji S-W, Oh C-T & Cheong Y-W

(2017) A Study on the Correlations Among Rainfall, Groundwater Level and Mine Drainage Discharge
Ha S-H, Kim D-M & Cheong Y-W

(2017) Recurrence Relation Model for Temporal Variance of Mine Water Flux
Yi H, Kim D-M & Cheong Y-W

(2017) A Study on the Effects of Exposure of Coal Bed on the Amount of Mine Drainages
Kim S, Kim D-M, Yi H-U & Cheong Y-W

(2017) Study of the Source of the AMD Around the Abandoned Coal Mine Related with the Groundwater
Ji S, Cheong Y-W, Yim GJ, Oh C, Kim S & Kim D-M

(2015) A Study on Coating Technology for Preventing Acid Drainage
Yim G-J, Ji S-W, Cheong Y-W, Oh C-T & Seo E-Y

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