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My Goldschmidt

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All abstracts by Christopher Brown in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2021) Multiple Ion Counting of Fission Product Ruthenium in Historic Environmental Samples
Conte E, McHugh K, Hilton C, Brown C & Krogstad E

(2017) Genome-Resolved Metagenomics as a Foundation for Understanding of Biogeochemistry
Banfield J, Anantharaman K, Andeer P, Arbour T, Brown C, Burstein D, Castelle C, Diamond S, Fakra S, Firestone M, Gilbert B, Kantor R, Lavi A, Matheus Carnevali P, Northen T, Probst A, Starr E, Thomas B, Warren L & Williams K

(2015) Biogeochemical Transformations Mediated by Subsurface Microbial Communities
Banfield J, Anantharaman K, Castelle C, Brown C, Hug L, Probst A, Sharon I, Hernsdorf A, Amano Y & Williams K

(2014) Prediction of the Biogeochemical Roles of Uncultivated Bacteria and Archaea in the Subsurface
Banfield J, Castelle C, Hug L, Wrighton K, Sharon I, Brown C, Kantor R, Singh A, Thomas B, Luef B, Comolli L, Williams K, Long P & Hubbard S

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