All abstracts by Alexey Averin in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2023) Uranium Oxides Structural Transformation in Human Body LiquidsPoliakova T, Krot A, Trigub A, Nevolin I, Averin A, Yapaskurt V, Vlasova IE, Matveev P & Kalmykov S
(2015) Characterisation of Quenched Carbonate-Silicate Melts by Vibrational Spectroscopy, XAFS and HEXRD: Structure and Y, Sr, Zr Speciation
Shiryaev A, Murzin V, Veligzhanin A, Shablinskaya K, Averin A, Safonov O, Zubavichus Y, Pohlenz J, Belin S, Mathon O & Wilke M
(2015) Investigation of Fluids in Mantle Peridotites from Oasis Jetty (East Antarctica) by Raman Spectroscopy
Averin A & Solovova I
(2015) Ni and Co Chloride Complexing in Hydrothermal Fluids: Spectrophotometric Experiment (to 450℃, 1 kbar) and Thermodynamic Model
Tagirov B, Zotov A, Shvarov Y, Akinfiev N & Averin A