All abstracts by Yanxu Zhang in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2020) Bioaccumulation of Methylmercury in a Marine Plankton EcosystemZhang Y
(2017) Linking Global Mercury Releases to Local Human Health Outcomes
Sunderland E, Schartup A, Thackray C, Li M, Calder R, Horowitz H & Zhang Y
(2016) An Examination of the Role of Particles in Oceanic Mercury Cycling
Lamborg C, Hammerschmidt C, Bowman K & Zhang Y
(2015) Cycling of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) in the Remote Marine Environment
Amos H, Zhang Y, Dutkiewicz S, Friedmand C, Forget G, Zhang X, Lohmann R, Sun C, Thackray C, Selin N & Sunderland E
(2014) Quantifying the Environmental Exposure Pathway for Methylmercury
Sunderland E, Amos H, Corbitt E, Horowitz H, Qureshi A, Schartup A, Soerensen A, Zhang Y & Jacob D