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All abstracts by Elizabeth Webb in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Spatial and Seasonal Relationship between 17O-Excess of Grass Phytoliths and Relative Humidity in the North American Great Plains
Guo M, Alexandre A, Vallet-Coulomb C, Longstaffe FJ, Peugeot C, Au Yang D, Aleman J & Webb E

(2024) A New Interpretation of an Old Layered Mafic Intrusion – Oxygen Isotope Evidence for the Genesis of the Coldwell Complex in the North American Midcontinent Rift
Banerjee NR, Good D, Webb E, Meghji I, Linnen RL & Samson I

(2023) Grass Phytolith 17O-Excess from Northern American Grasslands Record Relative Humidity of the Growing Season
Guo M, Alexandre A, Vallet-Coulomb C, Longstaffe FJ & Webb E

(2015) Application of δ18O to Exploration at the Geordie Lake Cu-Pd Deposit, Midcontinent Rift, Canada
Good D, Webb E, Meghji I, Linnen R, Samson I & Banerjee N

(2014) Dual Si and O Isotope Measurements Using IRMS-BrF5 Fluorination
Prentice A, Jabeen I, Webb E, Banerjee N, Ali A, Brengman L & Fedo C

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