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All abstracts by Allyson Tessin in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2019) Does Climate Warming Reduce Preservation of Organic Carbon in Arctic Marine Sediments?
Faust JC, Stevenson MA, Tessin A, Abbott GD & März C

(2019) Quantifying Benthic-Pelagic Coupling in the Changing Arctic Barents Sea
Sales de Freitas F, Ward J, Stevenson M, Abbott G, Henley S, Faust J, Tessin A, Solan M, März C, Hendry K & Arndt S

(2019) Nutrient Exchange at the Changing Arctic Ocean Seafloor and Implications for the Water Column
Henley S, Faust J, Stevenson M, Tessin A, Hendry K & Maerz C

(2018) Molybdenum and Chromium Molecular Geochemistry: Advancing the Paleo-Redox Proxies
Chappaz A, Babos H, Hlohowskyj S & Tessin A

(2018) Macronutrient Cycling in Arctic Sediments and Benthic-Pelagic Coupling
Henley S, Faust J, Stevenson M, Tessin A, Brand T & Maerz C

(2018) Does Sea Ice Reduction Enhance Preservation of Organic Carbon in Arctic Marine Sediments?
Faust JC, Tessin A, Stevenson MA, Abbott GD & März C

(2017) Biogeochemical Cycling on the Yermak Plateau during the Last Two Glacial Cycles
Tessin A, Maerz C, Brumsack H-J, Forwick M, Löwemark L, Matthiessen J, O'Regan M & Schnetger B

(2017) Understanding Diagenetic Processes and Overprint in Quaternary Arctic Ocean Sediments
März C, Meinhardt A-K, Tessin A, Schnetger B & Brumsack H-J

(2014) New Carbon Isotope Records of the Late Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Event 3 from the Western Interior Seaway
Tessin A, Sheldon N & Hendy I

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