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All abstracts by Amanda Spivak in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Clear as Mud: Molecular Insights to Landscape Patterns of Soil Carbon in Coastal Wetlands
Spivak A

(2023) Redox Conditions and Root Exudate Composition Affect Soil Carbon Cycling in Mineral and Organic Salt Marshes
Spivak A, Guo B & Pett-Ridge J

(2019) Tidal Connectivity and Coastal Wetland Biogeochemistry
Spivak A, Gonneea M & Kroeger K

(2018) The Role of Nitrate as an Electron Acceptor in Salt Marsh Organic Matter Decomposition
Bulseco-McKim AN, Vineis JH, Murphy AE, Giblin AE, Sanderman J, Spivak A & Bowen JL

(2017) Shallow Ponds Affect Carbon Storage in Temperate Salt Marsh Ecosystems
Spivak A, Gosselin K, Gonneea M & Sylva S

(2015) Limited Effects of Nutrient Enrichment on Bacterial Carbon Sources in Intertidal Sediments
Spivak A & Ossolinski J

(2014) Gene Expression Dynamics in Thawing Permafrost Soils
Coolen M, Orsi W & Spivak A

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