All abstracts by Maciej Sliwinski in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2019) Large Isotopic Variability at the Micron-Scale in Shuram Excursion Carbonates from South AustraliaHusson J, Linzmeier B, Sliwinski M, Kitajima K, Ishida A, Maloof A, Schoene B, Peters S & Valley J
(2018) Large δ18O and δ13C Zonations in Diagenetic Dolomites of the Bakken Formation, Middle Member
Denny A, Śliwiński M, Orland I & Valley J
(2014) Burial Temperatures and δ18O-zoning in Diagenetic Cements of the Eau Claire Fm., Illinois Basin (U.S.A.)
Sliwinski M, Kitajima K, Kozdon R, Hyodo A & Valley J
(2014) An X-Ray Analysis of Solid-Phase Bromine in Gulf of Alaska Marine Sediments: Proxy Development and Paleoceanographic Applications
Addison J, Sliwinski M, Hayes S, Routson C & Foster A