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All abstracts by Michail Petaev in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Constraints from Ca Isotopes and Kinetic-Equilibrium Modeling on CAI Formation
Parendo CA, Jacobsen SB & Petaev M

(2018) Growth Model Interpretation of Planet Size Distribution
Zeng L, Jacobsen S, Sasselov D, Vanderburg A, Lopez-Morales M, Perez-Mercader J, Petaev M & Mattsson T

(2018) Atom Probe Tomography of Allende CAI Opaque Assemblage
Parman S, Jacobsen S, Petaev M & Akey A

(2018) Testing Models of Lunar Origin
Jacobsen S, Petaev M, Stewart S & Lock S

(2016) Mass-Dependent Stable Isotopic Constraints on the Moon Formation Giant Impact Model
Huang S, Petaev M, Wang W, Sedaghatpour F, Lock S, Wu Z, Stewart S & Jacobsen S

(2014) High-Precision Al-Mg Systematics in Forsterite-Bearing Type B CAIs
Bullock E, Nakashima D, Tenner T, Kita N, MacPherson G, Ivanova M, Krot A, Petaev M & Jacobsen S

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