All abstracts by A.l. Deino in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2015) Geochemistry and Mantle Source Characteristics of the Woranso-Mille Pliocene Basalts, West-Central Afar Rift, EthiopiaAlene Araya M, Saylor BZ, Deino A, Hart WK, Mertzman SA, Gibert LB & Haile-Selassie Y
(2014) Rapid and Precise Pb Isotope Analysis of K-Feldspar: A New Tool for Tephrochronology
Ickert R, Renne P, Deino A & Sharp W
(2013) Stepwise Calibration of the Alder Creek Sanidine 40Ar/39Ar Dating Standard to the Historical 79 CE Eruption of Vesuvius
Renne P & Deino A
(2010) Collaboration of EarthChem and EARTHTIME to Develop a Geochronology and Thermochronology Database
Walker JD, Ash JM, Bowring J, Bowring SA, Deino AL, Kislitsyn R, Koppers AA & Lehnert KL
(2005) Intercalibration of Astronomical and Radioisotopic Time
Kuiper K, Deino A, Hilgen F, Krijgsman W, Renne P & Wijbrans J
(2005) Precessional Climatic Signal in the Plio-Pliestocene Chemeron Formation, Central Kenya Rift
Deino A, Glen J, Kingston J & Hill A