All abstracts by Leszek Marynowski in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2020) Volcanic Related Methylmercury Poisoning as the Possible Driver of the End-Devonian Mass ExtinctionRakociński M, Marynowski L, Pisarzowska A, Bełdowski J, Siedlewicz G, Zatoń M, Perri MC, Spalletta C & Schönlaub HP
(2020) Identification and Characteristics of Saccharides from the Initial Soils of Temperate Climate and their Origin and Significance
Marynowski L, Rahmonov O, Smolarek-Lach J, Rybicki M & Simoneit BRT
(2020) Comparison of Miocene Ambers of Tropical Borneo Paleoenvironments and Potential Extant Plant
Simoneit BRT, Smolarek-Lach J, Goryl M, Bucha M, Rybicki M & Marynowski L
(2020) Reconstruction of Upper Cretaceous Paleoflora Based on Resin-Derived Biomarkers. Example from the North Sudetic Basin, Poland
Goryl M, Marynowski L, Bucha M & Simoneit BRT
(2018) Mono-, di- and Anhydrosaccharides from the Mesozoic and Cenozoic Lignites and Fossil Wood
Marynowski L, Bucha M, Smolarek J, Wendorff M & Simoneit B
(2018) Biodegradation of Lignite Under Conditions of Acidic Molasses Fermentation
Bucha M, Detman A, Simoneit BRT, Mielecki D, Piwowarczyk C, Chojnacka A, Blaszczyk MK, Jedrysek MO, Marynowski L & Sikora A
(2018) Levoglucosan and Other Organic Tracers of Cellulose Decomposition Emitted from Brown Coal Burning
Rybicki M, Marynowski L & Bucha M
(2014) Rapid Changes in Redox Conditions with Intermittent Photic Zone Euxinia during Lower Silurian Ireviken Event
Smolarek J, Trela W, Bond DPG & Marynowski L
(2014) Molecular and Mineralogical Studies on Internal Sediment Occurring with Zn-Pb Ores from the Silesian-Cracow Region, Poland
Rybicki M, Nejbert K, Krzykawski T & Marynowski L