All abstracts by Russell Day in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2021) Refining Trace Metal Temperature Proxies in Cold-Water Scleractinian and Stylasterid CoralsStewart J, Robinson LF, Day R, Strawson I, Samperiz A, Burke A, Rae JWB, Spooner P, Etnoyer P, Williams B, Paytan A, Leng M, Haussermann V, Wickes L, Bratt R & Pryer HV
(2019) Paleoceanographic Utility and Calcification Mechanisms of Stylasterid Corals
Strawson I, Samperiz A, Stewart J, Robinson L, Leng M & Day R
(2010) Mercury Stable Isotopes Fractionation in Cryogenically Archived Specimens from The Arctic Marine Environment
Point D, Sonke J, Day R, Moors A, Pugh R & Becker P
(2008) Mercury Isotopes Fractionation in the Alaskan Marine Environment along an Arctic/subArctic Transect
Point D, Day R, Sonke J, Vanderpol S, Donard O, Simac K, Moors A, Pugh R & Becker P