All abstracts by Christopher Charles Day in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2015) Calcium Isotope Systematics of Caves: Implications for Speleothem PalaeoclimatologyOwen RA, Day CC, Hu C, Liu Y & Henderson G
(2015) O and C Isotopes in Calcite Grown Under Cave-Analogue Conditions – Response to Changing Saturation State
Day CC & Henderson GM
(2015) Calcification in Coccolithophores: A Biogeochemical Study of Polysaccharides from Past to Present
Lee R, Mavridou D, Papadakos G, McClelland H, Walker J, Nudelman F, Heureux A, Hermoso M, Day C & Rickaby R
(2013) Reconstructing Past Hydrology from Annual Cycles in Trace Elements in a Moroccan Stalagmite
Barrott J, Day C & Henderson G
(2013) Stalagmite Trace-Element Reconstruction of Terrestrial Hydrology: Results from Cave-Analogue Studies
Day CC & Henderson GM
(2011) O and Ca Isotopes in Calcite Grown Under Cave-Analogue Conditions
Day CC, Reynard LM, Pointing MD, Blättler CL & Henderson GM
(2011) Stalagmite Reconstruction of Moroccan Climate from Geographically Spaced Records
Barrott JJ, Day CC, Barton RNE, Bouzouggar A & Henderson GM
(2009) Calcium Isotope Fractionation in Cave-Analogue Conditions
Reynard L, Day C & Henderson G
(2008) Cave-Analogue Calcite Growth in the Laboratory: Calibrating Stalagmite Palaeoproxies
Day C, Henderson G & Johnson KR
(2006) Controls On Trace Element Incorporation Into Carbonates Grown In Cave-Analogue Conditions In The Laboratory
Day C, Johnson KR & Henderson GM