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All abstracts by Tomoko Komada in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) Net Production of Ancient DOC in Continental Margin Sediments
Komada T, Abdulla HA, Burdige DJ, Suddes LA & Allen CD

(2024) Formation of Dissolved Organic Sulfur in Sediment Porewaters Under Different Redox Conditions
Abdulla HA, Burdige DJ & Komada T

(2022) Reaction-Transport Modeling of Pore-Water DOC and its Isotopic Composition in Santa Monica Basin (CA) Sediments
Burdige DJ & Komada T

(2022) Persistence and Transformation of DOM in Marine Sediment Pore Waters Examined by 1H NMR
Komada T, Suddes LA, Burdige DJ & Abdulla HA

(2022) Accumulation of Peptides and Deaminated Peptides in Sediment Porewaters Under Different Redox Conditions
Abdulla HA, Komada T & Burdige DJ

(2020) Testing Peptide Deamination as a Pathway for Refractory DOM Production in Sediments: Incubation Experiment Results
Komada T, Burdige D & Abdulla H

(2020) A Tale of Two Basins: The Role of Peptide Deamination in the Accumulation of Pore Water Dissolved Organic Matter in Marine Sediments
Abdulla H, Komada T & Burdige D

(2020) Linking Dissolved Organic Matter Composition Data to Reaction-Transport Models of Sediment Diagenesis
Burdige D, Komada T & Abdulla H

(2018) Abiotic Formation of Dissolved Organic Sulfur in Anoxic Sediment of Santa Barbara Basin
Abdulla H, Burdige D & Komada T

(2014) Remineralization Processes Across the Sulfate-Methane Transistion Zone in Contrasting California Borderland Basin Sediments
Burdige D, Komada T, Magen C & Chanton J

(2014) Reactivity of Pore Water Dissolved Organic Carbon in the Water Column: Initial Findings from an Incubation Experiment
Li HL, Burdige D & Komada T

(2014) Radiocarbon and Stable Isotope Signatures of Sedimentary Methane at a Coastal California Basin
Magen C, Chanton J, Burdige D & Komada T

(2014) Characterization of Whole Porewater Dissolved Organic Matter by 1H NMR
Fox C, Lewicki J, Abdulla H, Harley S, Burdige D, Magen C, Chanton J & Komada T

(2014) Radiocarbon Signatures of Dissolved Organic Carbon in Anoxic Sediments of the Santa Barbara Basin
Komada T, Li HL, Burdige D, Cada A, Grose A, Magen C & Chanton J

(2014) Changes in The Chemical Compositions of Porewater Dissolved Organic Matter Across The Sulfate Methane Transition Region
Abdulla H, Komada T, Hatcher P & Burdige D

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