All abstracts by Philip Hopley in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2019) Exploring Seasonal and Lithological Controls on Lithium Isotopes during WeatheringWilson D, Pogge von Strandmann P, Tarbuck G, White J, Atkinson T & Hopley P
(2014) Inter-Annual Variability of Southern African Rainfall from an Early Pleistocene Speleothem; Implications for Early Hominin Evolution
Hopley P, Weedon G, Thrasivoulou C, Herries A & Leng M
(2014) Uranium-Lead Age Constraints for the “Taung Child”, Australopithecus africanus, from Taung, South Africa
Hopley P, Parrish R, Herries A, Menter C & Kuhn B