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All abstracts by Jonathan Erez in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2015) The Use of Lithium and its Isotopes in Foraminifera as Proxies for the Past Ocean DIC
Erez J, Rollion-Bard C, Vigier N, Levenson Y & Bentov S

(2015) Coupled Clumped Isotope and Mg/Ca Measurements in Foraminifera: Implications for Palaeothermometry and Seawater Chemistry
Evans D, Erez J, Müller W & Affek H

(2015) Novel Measurements of Inorganic and Biogenic Calcite Dissolution Kinetics in Seawater
Subhas A, Adkins J, Berelson W, Rollins N & Erez J

(2015) The Onset of Modern-Like AMOC at the Eocene-Oligocene Transition and Possible Implications for Global Cooling
Abelson M & Erez J

(2014) The Dissolution Kinetics of Calcium Carbonate Minerals
Subhas A, Rollins N, Adkins J, Berelson W & Erez J

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