All abstracts by Andrew Elwood Madden in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2020) Exploring Salty Worlds: Brines, Ice, and Weathering ProductsElwood Madden M, Mason D, Rodriguez A, Cullen M, Elwood Madden A & Phillips-Lander C
(2018) Mars Brine Attacks! Accelerated Dissolution Rates and Unique Reaction Products in High Salinity Brines
Elwood Madden M, Phillips-Lander C, Elwood Madden A, Cullen M, Hausrath E & Miller K
(2014) Linking Sediment-Hosted and Groundwater-Mobile Mineral Nanoparticles in the Central Oklahoma Aquifer
Westrop J, Swindle A, Bartlett S & Elwood Madden A
(2014) Alunite Supergroup Dissolution Rates and Products: Comparing Mechanisms
Elwood Madden M, Miller J, Elwood Madden A & Pritchett B
(2014) Impact of Natural Organics on the Surface Reactivity of Magnetite Nanoparticles
Swindle A, Elwood Madden A & Cozzarelli I
(2014) Assessing Reactive Surface Areas in Glacial Sediments
Elwood Madden M, Funderburg R, Joo Y-J, Miller J, Elwood Madden A, Hall B, Marra K & Soreghan G