All abstracts by Nicole Didonato in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2021) Assessing Soil Organic Matter Features Under Drought and Normal Conditions Using Direct Infusion High Resolution Mass Spectrometry and LC-Ms/MS Feature Based Molecular NetworkingDiDonato N, Rivas Ubach A, Clendinen C, Sokol N, Tolic N, Adhikari D, Martinez CE, Pett-Ridge J & Pasa Tolic L
(2017) Recent Advances in the Detection of Specific Natural Organic Compounds as Carriers for Radionuclides in Soil and Water Environments, with Examples of Radioiodine and Plutonium
Santschi PH, Xu C, Zhang S, Schwehr KA, Lin P, Yeager CM, Kaplan DI, Didonato N & Hatcher PG
(2015) Source and Formation of Soil Humic Colloids and their Functional Groups Responsible for Metal Binding
DiDonato N, Chen H, Waggoner D, Myneni S & Hatcher P
(2014) Hydroxamate Siderophores in Soil Mineral-Organic Matter Matrix Responsible for Binding 239,240Pu in the Far-Field of the Savannah River Site, USA
Xu C, Zhang S, Ho Y-F, Athon M, Johnston I, Schwehr KA, Kaplan DI, Didonato N, Hatcher PG & Santschi PH