All abstracts by Kai Bachmann in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2015) (Bio)Leaching of Copper from Kupferschiefer with Citric AcidKostudis S, Bachmann K, Kutschke S, Pollmann K & Gutzmer J
(2015) Identification and Quantification of PGMs by Combining MLA and EPMA with a New Approach to the Offline Overlap Correction of Major and Trace PGE Concentrations
Osbahr I, Krause J, Bachmann K & Gutzmer J
(2014) Li Isotopes and Geochemistry of Li–F–Sn Greisen from the Zinnwald Deposit, Germany
Bachmann K, Seifert T, Magna T, Neßler J & Gutzmer J