All abstracts by Andy Baker in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2021) Stable Isotope Analyses of Fluid Inclusions in Speleothems: Opportunities and Challenges for their Application as Paleo-Temperature ArchivesMarkowska M, Levy E, de Graaf S, Scholz D, Martin AN, Petraglia M, Groucutt HS, Martinez-Garcia A, Treble PC, Baker A, Haug GH & Vonhof H
(2018) Factors Affecting Dissolved Organic Carbon Concentrations in Groundwater
McDonough L, Oudone P, Rutlidge H, Meredith K, Andersen M, O'Carroll D, Chapelle F & Baker A
(2017) Probing the Groundwater Cycle on Carbonate Islands Using Si and Li Isotopes, Rottnest Island, Australia
Martin A, Meredith K, Baker A, Bryan E & Norman M
(2016) Evolution of Chemical and Isotopic Composition of Inorganic Carbon in the Unsaturated and Saturated Zones of a Semi-Arid Zone Environment
Meredith K, Han L, Hollins S, Cendon D, Jacobsen G & Baker A
(2014) Water Oxygen Isotope Systematics from Source to Stalagmites
Baker A, Acworth RI, Andersen M, Cuthbert M, Graham P, Jex C, Mariethoz G, Marjo C, Markowska M, Rau G, Roshan H, Rutlidge H & Treble P
(2014) Organic Carbon Fluxes in a Stressed Groundwater System
Graham P & Baker A
(2014) Use of Fluorescence in Conjunction with Radon Activity to Monitor Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions in a System Under Stress
Rutlidge H, Andersen M, Rau G, Cuthbert M, Graham P, Unland N, Hofmann H, Gilfeddder B, Atkinson A, Cartwright I, Halloran L & Baker A
(2013) Reducing Uncertainty in the Climatic Interpretations of Speleothem δ18O
Jex C, Phipps S, Baker A & Bradley C
(2007) High Resolution Ion Microprobe Analysis of Sulphur Isotopes in Speleothem Carbonate
Wynn P, Fairchild I, Baker A, Frisia S, Borsato A, Miorandi R, Spotl C & Craven J
(2002) Combined Modelling of Hydrological and Hydrochemical Dripwater Data to Deduce Karstic Plumbing
Fairchild IJ, Tuckwell GW, Baker A & Tooth AF