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All abstracts by Kristin Boye in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2024) A Critical Look at Colloid Generation, Stability, and Transport in Redox-Dynamic Environments: A Pilot Study in Mountain Watershed (CO)
Noël V, Spielman-Sun E, Paulus EL, Stewart B, Engel M, Babey T, Pierce S & Boye K

(2024) Separation and Characterization of Colloids from an Alpine Floodplain
Stewart B, Bone SE, Spielman-Sun E, Pierce S, Noël V & Boye K

(2024) Modeling of Redox Reaction Network and Sensitivity Analysis for Predicting Methane Production Potential by Anoxic Microsites
Farber K, Ruiz HC, Paulus EL, Noël V, Boye K, Bhattacharyya A, Tinnacher R & Kokkinaki A

(2024) The Influence of Oscillating Redox Cycles on Colloid Composition and Stability
Paulus EL, Spielman-Sun E, Stewart B, Boye K, Tadjiki S & Noël V

(2024) Deciphering the Role of Anaerobic Microsites for Hot Spot/Hot Moment Dynamics of Metal Redox Chemistry and Methane Emissions within Riverine Floodplains
Ruiz HC, Noël V, Paulus EL, Farber K, Kokkinaki A, Tinnacher R, Boye K & Bhattacharyya A

(2023) Genome-Based Approach for Assessing Microbial Community Dynamics and Genetic Potential Reveals Diverse Methylotrophs in Slate River Floodplain Sediments
Rasmussen AN, Tolar B, Bargar J, Boye K & Francis CA

(2023) Laboratory for Observing Anoxic Microsites in Soils (LOAMS)
Noël V, Boye K, Lacroix E, Fendorf S & Webb S

(2023) Organic Matter and Si – The Guardians of Fe-Rich Colloid Persistence in a Redox-Active Floodplain
Engel M, Noël V, Pierce S, Kovarik L, Kukkadapu R, Lezama-Pacheco JS, Qafoku O, Chorover J, Boye K & Bargar J

(2023) Floodplain Biogeochemistry at the Molecular to Pore Scale and Why it Matters at Ecosystem Scales
Boye K, Pierce S, DeVore C, Babey T, Aeppli M, Engel M, Tolar B, Maher K, Fendorf S, Francis CA, Bargar J & Noël V

(2022) Nitrate Impacts on Heavy Metal Retention in Heterogenous Aquifers
Engel M, Noël V, Kukkadapu R, Boye K, Bargar J & Fendorf S

(2022) Large Organic Colloids Drive Biogeochemical Reactions Downstream of Sediment Interfaces in Simulated Aquifers
Boye K, Babey T, Aeppli M, Engel M, Tolar B, Lacroix EM, Fendorf S & Bargar J

(2021) How Spatial and Compositional Heterogeneities Influence Zinc Retention in a Simulated Aquifer
Engel M, Boye K, Noel V, Babey T, Bargar J & Fendorf S

(2020) Redox Interfaces Produce Halos of Altered Biogeochemical Reactivity in Alluvial Groundwater Sediments
Boye K, Babey T, Kumar N, Noel V, Perzan Z, Engel M, Tolar B, Bargar J & Fendorf S

(2020) Formation and Stability of Colloids Driven by Reducing Conditions: Impact on Water Quality
Noël V, Kumar N, Engel M, Boye K, Brown G & Bargar J

(2019) Uranium Mobilization Across Saturated-Unsaturated Interfaces
Roycroft S, Boye K, Perzan Z, Johnson R, Dam W, Noel V, Fendorf S & Bargar J

(2019) Influence of Redox Interfaces on Arsenic Mobility
Kumar N, Boye K, Noel V, Planer-Friedrich B, Bargar J, Brown G & Fendorf S

(2018) Microbial Energetics, Carbon, and the Progression of Redox Reactions in Flooded Soils
Boye K, Herrmann A, Bobb C, Tolar B, Noel V, Bargar J, Maher K & Fendorf S

(2018) Hydrologic and Thermodynamic Drivers Seasonally Shift Floodplain Soils between Two Redox States
Bobb C, Boye K, Tolar B, Bargar JR & Maher K

(2018) Behavior of As(III) and As(V) during Ferrihydrite Sulfidation
Kumar N, Noël V, Boye K, Besold J, Planer-Friedrich B, Fendorf S & Brown G

(2018) Combining Hydrology and Redox Cycling: A New Model to Consider for U Transport?
Noël V, Boye K, Kukkadapu R & Bargar J

(2017) Fe and S Speciation to Track Redox Constraints on Shallow Alluvial Sediments: Implications for U Storage and Stability
Noël V, Boye K, Kukkadapu R, Lezama Pacheco J, Fendorf S, Roycroft S & Bargar J

(2017) Microbial Bioenergetics along a Scots Pine Stand Age Gradient
Herrmann AM, Kainemi V, Rosling A, Urbina H, Boye K & Fransson P

(2017) Carbon in Transit – Implications of Microbial Energetics for Carbon and Contaminant Fate in Transitory Systems
Boye K, Tfaily MM, Herrmann A, Noël V, Bargar JR & Fendorf S

(2016) Imprints of Thermodynamic Constraints on Microbial Carbon Oxidation in Floodplains
Boye K, Noël V, Cardarelli E, Tfaily M, Dam W, Bargar J & Fendorf S

(2015) Uranium Biogeochemistry: Nanometer to Regional Scales
Bargar J, Williams K, Bone S, Boye K, Janot N & Noel V

(2015) Regional Importance of Organic-Rich Sediments to Uranium Mobility in the Upper Colorado River Basin
Noël V, Bargar J, Boye K, Cardarelli E, Bone S, Lezama-Pacheco J, Williams K, Dam W, Bush R, Dayvault J, Linard J, Kautsky M, Johnson R & Goodknight G

(2014) Can Sulfur Limit Arsenic Uptake by Rice in Paddy Soils?
Boye K & Fendorf S

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