All abstracts by Shaun Barker in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2024) Fluid-Rock Interaction: A Mineral Deposits PerspectiveLecumberri-Sanchez P, Tutolo BM & Barker S
(2018) Carbonate Fluorescence and Carbonate Stable Isotopes Footprint Around Ferrobamba Cu-Skarn, Southern Peru
Garay A, Andrew B, Cooke D & Barker S
(2014) Hydrothermal Alteration Revealed by Apatite Luminescence and Chemistry: An Indicator for Covered Porphyry Copper Deposits
Bouzari F, Hart C, Bissig T & Barker S
(2014) Tracing Fluid Flow in a Carlin-Type Hydrothermal System Using Isotopic, Chemical, and Textural Alteration of Calcite
Vaughan J, Hickey K & Barker S
(2010) Insights for CO2 Sequestration from Mineral-Fluid-Gas Interactions in Mine Waste
Dipple G, Wilson S, Power I, Barker S, Fallon S & Southam G
(2010) Assessing Capture of Atmospheric CO2 within Mine Tailings Using Stable Isotopes and 14C
Wilson S, Dipple G, Barker S, Power I, Atudorei V, Fallon S & Southam G
(2008) Sm-Nd, Sr, C and O Systematics in Hydrothermal Calcite-Fluorite Veins: Implications for Fluid-Rock Reaction and Geochronology
Barker SLL & Cox S