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All abstracts by Luc Aquilina in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2021) Using Hillslope-Scale Groundwater Model to Bridge the Gap between Basin Inputs and River Concentrations. The Case of Nitrates in Brittany (France)
Guillaumot L, Aquilina L, Marçais J, Durand P & Dreuzy J-RD

(2021) A Glimpse of the Anthropocene Captured by Environmental Tracers in the Groundwater of a Fractured Aquifer
Chatton E, Labasque T, Aeschbach W, Vergnaud V & Aquilina L

(2021) Dissolved Gases Monitoring to Disclose Regional Hydrogeochemical Interactions Processes Involved in Mineral Water Genesis in Non-Active Zone: The Case of Corsica Island
Dupuy M, Garel E, Labasque T, Chatton E, Vergnaud V, Aquilina L, Santoni S, Mattei A & Huneau F

(2021) Coupling Groundwater Age Tracers (CFCs) and In-Stream Solute Time Series (DSi) to Decipher the Reactivity of Crystalline Watersheds
Marçais J, Dreuzy J-RD, Aquilina L, Guillaumot L, Labasque T, Pinay G & Derry LA

(2019) Fractures Sustain Dynamic Microbial Hot Spots in the Critical Zone
Bochet O, Bethencourt L, Dufresne A, Farasin J, Pedrot M, Labasque T, Chatton E, Lavenant N, Petton C, Abbott B, Aquilina L & Le Borgne T

(2018) Water Characterization from the Strengbach CZO: Major Element Concentrations, Isotope Ratios (U, Sr, Nd ) and CFC and 4He Concentrations
Ranchoux C, Viville D, Aquilina L, Labasque T & Chabaux F

(2017) Advances in Field Noble Gas Measurements Towards Operational Hydrology
Chatton E, Labasque T, Guillou A & Aquilina L

(2016) Real Time in situ Dissolved Gases Monitoring in Groundwater by CF-Mims for Hydrogeology
Labasque T, Chatton E & Aquilina L

(2016) Quantification of Coupled Fluid Flow and Reactive Transport Using a Dissolved Gas Tracer Test in a Fractured Media
Chatton E, Labasque T, Aquilina L, de La Bernardie J & Boisson A

(2016) Water Residence Time by Coupling Anthropogenic Gases (CFC, SF6) and Isotopic Ratios (234U/238U, 87Sr/86Sr) in the Strengbach Catchment (Vosges Massif, Eastern France)
Viville D, Chabaux F, Ackerer J, Chatton E, Labasque T, Pierret M-C, Granet M, Perrone T & Aquilina L

(2013) Reaction Chain Modeling of Denitrification Reactions during a push–Pull Test
Boisson A, de Anna P, Bour O, Le Borgne T, Labasque T & Aquilina L

(2010) Investigation of Matrix Fluids in Fractured Aquifers Through Various Gas Analyses
Labasque T, Aquilina L, Bour O, De Montety V & Fourre E

(2010) Tritium/Helium-3 Dating of Groundwaters Around Chernobyl Site
Fourré E, Jean-Baptiste P, Dapoigny A, Baumier D, Bugay D, Aquilina L, Labasque T, Le Gal La Salle C & Lancelot J

(2010) Salinity Increase with Depth in Fractured Aquifers
Aquilina L, Laurencelle M, Labasque T, Leborgne T, Bour O, Boisson A, Vergnaud-Ayraud V & Pauwels H

(2010) Influence of Flow Velocity on Denitrification in a Pore-Scale Lab Experiment
Boisson A, Aquilina L & Bour O

(2004) High Chemical Weathering Induced by Agricultural Pressure
Pierson-Wickmann A, Aquilina L, Martin C, Gascuel C & Jaffrezic A

(2004) Evolution of Nitrate and Sulfate in a Fractured Aquifer Related to Pumping
Ayraud V, Aquilina L, Pauwels H, Tarits C, Pierson-Wickmann A & Bour O

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