All abstracts by Pedro Waterton in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2023) Noble Gas Analysis of Fluid/Melt Inclusions in Ultramafic Rocks from West Greenland for Constraining Archean Mantle EvolutionFukushima N, Sumino H, Morishita T, Guotana JM, Nishio I, Tani K, Waterton P, Szilas K, Sawada H, Murayama M & Yoshida K
(2023) Geochemistry of the Arc-Adjacent Loicas Trough Plumbing System, Argentina
Traun MK, Waterton P, Waight T & Søager N
(2022) Osmium Isotopic Composition of Pre-Late Accretion Mantle from the “World’s Oldest” Peridotites
Waterton P, Hansen Serre S, Morishita T, Woodland S, Dufrane SA, Pearson DG & Szilas K
(2022) Origin of Silicic Volcanism in the North Patagonian Rear Arc
Traun MK, Søager N, Waterton P, Waight T, Münker C, Andreasen R, Iannelli S, Litvak V & Folguera A
(2021) Cumulate Origin for Isua Dunites Rules out Formation as an Eoarchaean Ophiolite
Waterton P, Guotana JM, Nishio I, Morishita T, Tani K, Woodland S, Legros H, Pearson DG & Szilas K
(2021) The Oldest Chromitite on Earth – A Potential Archive of the Hadean
Szilas K, Waterton P & Morishita T
(2019) Geochemistry and Hf-Nd Isotope Systematics of Archaean Boninite-Norite Dykes, Maniitsoq, Greenland
Waterton P, Nilsson M, Kirkland C & Szilas K
(2017) Controls on Komatiite PGE Abundances: Evidence from the ~1.9 Ga Winnipegosis Komatiite
Waterton P, Pearson DG & Mungall JE
(2016) Can Komatiite PGE Abundances Trace Mixing of the Late Veneer?
Waterton P, Pearson G & Kjarsgaard B
(2013) Modelling the Propagation and Dissolution of Carbon Dioxide into Reservoir Brines: Implications for Carbon Dioxide Sequestration
Daniels K, Bickle M, Waterton P, Hewitt D, Neufeld J, Kampman N, Maskell A & Chapman H