All abstracts by Naoki Watanabe in conference series: Goldschmidt
(2019) Detection of Nucleobases and Dipeptides in Organic Residues Formed by Photochemical Reactions in Interstellar Ice AnalogsOba Y, Takano Y, Naraoka H, Watanabe N & Kouchi A
(2017) Variations in the Deuterium Enrichment of Amino Acids Formed by Photolysis of Ice Mixtures Containing Mono-Deuterated Methanol at 10 K
Oba Y, Takano Y, Naraoka H, Watanabe N & Kouchi A
(2015) H and He Ion Irradiation Experiments of Corundum: Amorphization of Interstellar Dust
Takigawa A, Matsumoto T, Watanabe N, Miyake A, Yasuda K, Nakata Y & Tsuchiyama A
(2015) Formation of Deuterated “Chiral” Glycine by Low-Temperature Surface Reactions via Quantum Tunneling
Oba Y, Watanabe N & Kouchi A
(2013) Ion Irradiation Experiments to Olivine: Comparison with Space Weathering Rims of Itokawa and Lunar Regolith Particles
Matsumoto T, Tsuchiyama A, Takigawa A, Yasuda K, Nakata Y, Watanabe N, Kouchi A, Nakamura M, Miyake A & Ohtake M
(2013) The Ortho-Para Ratio of H2O Desorbed from Ice: Implications for Cometary Coma
Hama T, Kouchi A & Watanabe N
(2013) Isotope Effect in the Formation of Solid Water by Surface Reactions at 10 K
Oba Y, Watanabe N & Kouchi A