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All abstracts by Richard E. Ernst in conference series: Goldschmidt

(2023) Estimating the Initial Volume of Large Igneous Provinces: Approaches and Applications
El Bilali H & Ernst RE

(2023) The Status of the Archean LIP Record and Comparison with the Younger Terrestrial LIP Record and with Venus
Ernst RE & El Bilali H

(2023) Geochemical Variations in the Composition of LIPs of the South-East of the Siberian Platform
Savelev AD, Pazukhina AA, El Bilali H & Ernst RE

(2022) Termination of the Great Oxidation and Lomagundi-Jatuli Events by Degassing during Emplacement of Layered Intrusions and Sills
Zhang S-H, Ernst RE, Pei J, Zhang Q-Q & Zhao Y

(2022) An Identity Crisis in Namaqualand: The Tale of the NW-Se Trending Cederberg Dyke Swarm and E-W Dykes North of it, Western and Northern Cape Provinces, South Africa
Kingsbury CG, Altermann W, Kramers JD, Söderlund U, Klausen M & Ernst RE

(2022) ‘DHABASI’ Megacraton of the Southern Indian Shield: Evidence from Precambrian Large Igneous Province Record
Srivastava RK, Samal AK & Ernst RE

(2022) 2d Gravity and Magnetic Modelling of the Mackenzie Large Igneous Province Plume Center Region, Northwest Territorries, Canada
de Morée van Lierde KE, Ernst RE & Rogers C

(2022) The Jebilet-Rehamna-Fourhal Large Igneous Province of 348-340 ma (Meseta, Variscan Belt, Morocco): U-Pb Geochronology, Geochemistry, and Links with Coeval Magmatism on Other Crustal Blocks
Moutbir O, Ait lahna A, Khadraoui FZ, Youbi N, Tassinari C, Ernst RE, El Bilali H & Hadimi I

(2022) Lithogeochemistry, Petrological Modeling and Possible LIP Classification of the ca. 750-740 Ma Mafic Intrusive Rocks of the Central African Copperbelt, Zambia and D.R.C
Bacha RRB, Mungall JE & Ernst RE

(2022) LIP Printing: Theory and Applications
Pearce JA & Ernst RE

(2022) Stratigraphy, Geochronology, Geochemistry and Nd Isotopes of the Late Ediacaran Ouarzazate Group Series from Eastern and Central Anti Atlas – (Morocco)
Ousbih M, Ikenne M, Cousens B, Chelle-Michou C, El Bilali H, Markovic S, Gaouzi A, Askkour F, Mouhajir M, el Mouden S, Youbi N & Ernst RE

(2022) The Ouarzazate Supergroup Volcanic Successions in the Anti-Atlas (Morocco): Evidence for Three Successive Eruptive Cycles
Mediany MA, Oukhro R, Youbi N, Boumehdi MA, Bensalah MK, Ait lahna A, Ernst RE & El Bilali H

(2022) Petrology, Geochemistry and U-Pb Geochronology of Mafic and Ultramafic Rocks of NW Guyana, Guiana Shield, South America
Borba de Carvalho BM, Cousens B & Ernst RE

(2022) The Status of the Global Large Igneous Province (LIP) Record
Ernst RE & El Bilali H

(2022) Application of the Tipping Point Concept to Dramatic Climate and Environmental Change Events in Earth History: Role of LIPs and Implications for Modern Climate Change
El Bilali H & Ernst RE

(2022) Modelling the Origins of Finger-Like Chonoliths in lip Plumbing Systems
Yao Z, Mungall J & Ernst RE

(2022) New U-Pb in situ SIMS Date in Baddeleyite from Mafic-Ultramafic Magmatism in the Goiás Magmatic Arc, Central Brazil: Identification of a Broad ca. 670-690 Ma Event
Augustin CT, Chamberlain K, Mungall J, Schutesky ME & Ernst RE

(2021) A Novel Multi-Proxy, Big Data Approach to Reconstructing Earth’s Climate System Through Time
El Bilali H, Ernst RE, Lyons TW & Diamond CW

(2021) Intensive Volcanic Eruptions Recorded in Black Shales within the Xiamaling Formation in the North China Craton
Zhang S-H, Kamo S, Ernst RE, Pei J, Hu G & Zhang Q-Q

(2021) The Potential Role of Large Igneous Provinces in the Heat-Deaths of Earth- and Venus-Like Worlds
Way MJ, Ernst RE & Scargle JD

(2012) Geochemical Assessment of the Metallogenic Potential of Proterozoic LIPs of Canada
Jowitt S & Ernst R

(2008) The Origin, Nature and Consequences of the Circum-Superior 1880 Ma Large Igneous Province
Minifie M, Kerr A, Ernst R & Pearce J

(2008) Carbonatites and Large Igneous Provinces (LIPs)
Ernst RE

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